Are you overwhelmed by debt? Do you cringe every time the phone rings because, chances are, it’s a debt collector seeking to harass you over a bill you just can’t afford to pay right now? Many people fall on hard times, often due to circumstances out of their control – like medical bills, auto breakdowns, layoffs, and other extenuating circumstances. Do the debt collection companies think you like owing them money? Now you can fight back with
Advocate Credit Assistance, the debt settlement and credit repair program that puts you back in control so you can finally achieve financial freedom. Advocate Credit Assistance offers services that help you settle credit card debt, loan debt, and many other types of debt by negotiating a payoff reduction on your behalf. In fact, Advocate Credit Assistance offers many options based on your specific situation that can help you settle your debt by as much as 30 to 40 percent or more and help you build a plan to settle your debt over time. For instance, if you have $22,000 in credit card debt, Advocate Credit Assistance might be able to settle your accounts for $9,000 to $13,000 – saving you up to 60% through debt reduction and consolidation! In a recent survey, over 90% of Advocate Credit Assistance’s clients said they would definitely recommend ACA’s services to friends and family. That’s because we’ve helped so many people finally get the credit hounds off their backs and find financial freedom for themselves and their families. Also available is the Advocate Credit Assistance Guide on How to Deal with the Phone Calls – completed with detailed instructions and forms on what to say when creditors and debt collectors call you, and how to stop the harassing phone calls for good. Even better, each ACA client gets exclusive access to our website, full of online resources that teach you what your rights are and an account area where you can track your debt settlement process. Stop the phone calls, stop the worrying, and finally get your financial future in order with Advocate Credit Assistance today.