Wish you had the funds to get your big ideas off the ground? Maybe you want to start or expand a business - or, maybe you just want to purchase your own home. You're in luck - the American government gives away millions of dollars to American citizens for these purposes every year. The question is, how do you get your hands on this free money? That's where the
American Grants Conference steps in. The American Grants Conference teaches you how to find government assistance programs to start a new business, expand an existing business, buy your own home, or even invest in real estate. Not only that, but each American Grants Conference takes it a step further by showing you how to complete the paperwork and telling you who to send it to so you can maximize your chances of getting free money in the form of grants, low-interest loans, and subsidies from the government - and remember, you never have to pay grants back. That's free money! Even better, the American Grants Conference itself is free - simply register for the next conference in your area and you'll be on your way to achieving - and living - the American Dream. This is not a scam; the American Grants Conference team uses proven methods for getting free money from the government. Just listen to these reviews from an American Grants Conference attendee and AGC founder Bruce West: "I didn't know money was out there available for my situation," says AGC attendee Afeni Nicholson, who received $24,000 for a home down payment. "I didn't know my situation could be changed so I could own my own home." Why does the government give away free money? Because it pays! "The federal government has hundreds of programs that use grants, loans and subsidies to give to individuals and businesses to become more profitable and more successful," says American Grants Business, Housing, and Real Estate Institute founder Bruce West. "This allows for economic growth and job development, and if the American people make more money, the government makes more money." In fact, some of the most successful US companies have taken advantage of the same programs you'll learn about at the American Grants Conference - including Hewlett Packard, Jenny Craig, and America Online. But these programs aren't just for big companies - the problem is that most of the 'little guys' don't even know about them. The American Grants Conference teaches you which programs are for you, and shows you how to apply so you can live your American Dream.