The Better Trades Financial Freedom Expo can get you trading the stock market and profiting from stock trades right away. BetterTrades is the system developed by founder Freddie Rick. Rick was tired of the get-rich-quick stock scams and the gimmicky software, so he decided to find the most successful stock traders and learn from the people who really know how to profit in the stock market. Now the Better Trades Expo gives you a chance to learn from these experts at their Free workshop. As seen on, the BetterTrade system works to you make money whether the stock market is going up down or sideways. You don’t have to quit your job to use the Better Trade method; you can make profitable stock trades working just a few minutes a week. You’ve seen Better Trades on the TV commercial/infomercial hosed by coach Jimmy Johnson and Erica Shaffer and featuring expert traders Bob Eldridge and Doug Sutton and speaker Les Brown. When you attend the Free Better Trades Financial Freedom Expo, you’ll find out how you can receive mentoring and support from real-life stock trading experts. BetterTrades does not rely on gimmicky software! So does the Better Trades Expo work or is the Better Trade Expo a scam? Review this opinion from Ken and Caroline Hoffman: “In our first month trading with BetterTrades we made over $15,000, which I never would have believed would have been possible…Our success this year has allowed us to buy a new home.”