Barbara Carey, member of the United Inventors Association (UIA) and inventor of Hairagmi, Dittie, and over 100 other product ideas, is now offering The Carey Formula. The Carrie Formula is a step-by-step plan for turning your inventions into a business that brings in money. If you are an inventor, a creative idea person or ever thought you could come up with a great product, then The Cary Formula is what you need to get your product going. Barbara Carey's system will show you step-by-step exactly how to sell, market, and manufacture your product ideas and inventions.
The Carey Formula: Your Ideas Are Worth Millions will also show you exactly how to legally patent, trademark, and protect your invention ideas so they cannot get stolen. And if you don't have an invention idea yet The Carrie Formula will give you techniques to generate your very own product ideas and turn them into a profitable money-making business. No experience is needed. Also available:
The Carey Coaching Newsletter reviews advice and tips from Barbara Carey and other successful inventors and
The Millionaire Tool Kit CD gives you the forms and documents you will need to make your million dollar business dream a reality. So is The Carey Formula a scam or does The Carey Formula really work? Read this review from Eric Kolhede, Chairman of the Department of Business at Saint Mary's College, "Barbara's book is a result of 20 years of valuable experience and is a must read for anyone interested in establishing a business." Try the CareyFormula as heard on radio and seen on TV.