Fisher Investments™ offers an approach to managing your money that results in more satisfaction than the strategies and advice provided by stock brokers and mutual funds. Founded by Kenneth Fisher, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Fisher Investments, headquartered in Woodside, CA, provided you with a dedicated investment counselor who will review your circumstances, listen to your complaints, provide personalized service, and develop a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that is right for you. If you've seen the TV commercial/infomercial "Journeys: Blazing a Trail to Financial Success" with actor Hal Holbrook, you've heard the discussion of how Fisher Investment company advisors services follow safe principles used by Lewis and Clark and expanded on by Ken Fisher in his investment books such as
The Only Three Questions that Count and
The 8 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make. These are
Key 1: Planning for the Long Journey. Your Fisher Investments advisor will review your cirumstances and let you know exactly how much money you will need to live comfortably and how to get the results you need to achieve your financial goals.
Key 2: Facing Obstacles. Fischer Investments uses dynamic asset allocation to help reduce some of the downside risk in a bear stock market and achieve better returns and portfolio performance.
Key 3: Seeking Unique Insight. Fisher Investments foreign stock investment expertise helps you take advantage of global stock options and opportunities in the international forum. Fisher Investments offers interested investors a free DiscoverFisher kit which includes a wealth management guide and a stock market outlook.