Want to start a business but don't want to put your personal credit at risk? Or, is your personal credit so bad you can't get the start-up needed to fund what you know will be a successful business? Then you're like many Americans who have great ideas but no money to get started. That's why Ray Reynolds, founder of Ray Reynolds University, created your blueprint to success - learn and understand corporate strategy and use it to your advantage to buy and sell real estate with corporate credit - no matter what your personal credit score is. The Ray Reynolds plan shows you how start a corporate in just three days with complete personal asset protection. After incorporating you can purchase real estate and make deals using only your corporate credit - you can even use your credit line to fix properties for rent or resale using the same strategies rich people use to keep them rich every single day. Astound your associates with your newfound knowledge and start making real money with The Ray Reynolds Plan - follow Ray's step-by-step plan to grow your business without investors and get up to one million dollars in corporate credit - despite your personal credit rating. This isn't what you'll learn from any university. Only a seasoned professional who has seen it all and learned it himself can show you the right way to incorporate to start a lucrative business with full personal asset protection. The Ray Reynolds Plan comes with a guide to buying real estate with corporate credit and another free guide, 'Secrets for Building Corporate Credit,' as well as 'How to Use Corporate Credit to Fix Up Properties' and your special credit repair book and video set.