Russ Whitney knows that investing in real estate is the fastest way to building wealth, assets, and cash flow. In his free seminar workshop, Russ Whitney reveals techniques and strategy for building wealth quickly in real estate such as short sales, purchase options, automatically assumable mortgages, lease options, trade, and flips. Using the information Russ Whitney provides in his system, you will be able to get no down payment homes and seller financing. Russ Witney teaches these steps to creating a better real estate business and turning it into a generator for cash flow: 1) Get start-up capital. Russ will tell you the secret of passbook signature loans, which can get you money for investing. 2) Run a "Gold Mine" ad. This will get people to call you with their pre-foreclosure properties. At the seminar you will also learn about the Real Estate and Business Software 5.0 that Russ uses. So is the Russ Whitney seminar a scam or does the Russ Whitney seminar really work? Read this review from Diana of Texas: "If I has not gone to the seminar and seen what other people can do in a short period of time I would still be in that same office...and not making the kind of money that I not only want but deserve."