It is common knowledge that brushing of teeth is not enough to keep the teeth clean as food and debris can get stuck in between teeth so it is highly advisable that an individual will floss his or her teeth as well. If you want to be free from the hassles that flossing can bring then
Dr Hart's Power Floss™ is the product for you to get. Conventional flossing requires that you use a string to go in between your teeth and get rid of the debris but the problem with strings is that it can be very unwieldy to use and can even damage your gums and teeth. With Dr Hart's PowerFloss on the other hand, all you need to do is to load it up with water, point the tip onto the area of your teeth that you want to clean and then press a button. As seen on, Dr Hart's Power Floss projects a strong yet gentle blast of water that will penetrate the areas in between your teeth and thoroughly clean the area without the friction potentially damaging your teeth. You can also use the Dr Hart's Power Floss to better freshen up your breath by loading it up with mouthwash instead of water and the mouthwash should be able to penetrate even the deepest areas of your teeth.
Use the links below to find the best offer of Dr Hart's Power Floss™.