Facial Flex Toning Kit is the face exerciser that tones and firms the muscles in your face. All skin on your face, skin, and neck is supported by a complex array of muscles. The stronger these facial muscles are, the better you look. Until the FacialFlex Toning Kit there has been no good way to exercise the facial muscles. Facial Flex uses the same dynamic resistance that works to strengthen every other muscle in your body. Facial Flex Ultra will increase facial muscle tone by 250% and increase facial skin tone by 32% in just 8 weeks. And review how easy the Facial Flex system is to use: Just place it in your mouth and use it for 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes in the evening; rinse the exerciser when you are done; and add new elastic replacement bands once a week. Now with the FacialFlex exercise system you can cure your sagging face without chemicals, face lift surgery, peels, electricity, or anything invasive. So is Facial Flex a scam or does Facial Flex really work? Listen to this review from Betty in New Jersey: "Facial Flex is wonderful...I was using it for about 2 weeks and I noticed that [my face lines] were disappearing...I just feel it's great and everyone should get it."