Finally, take control of your smoking with
Nic-Out™, the cigarette filters that have helped millions stop smoking through an innovative breakthrough that lets you cut your tar and nicotine while you smoke. Nic Out cigarette filters simply slip on to the filter end of your cigarettes and trap over 90% of tar and nicotine - before they enter your lungs. This allows your body to adjust to lower nicotine levels naturally, making it much easier to break the repetitive action the smoking habit. You can stop smoking with the power of NicOut; just listen to this professional opinion, as seen on tv: "I strongly recommend Nic Out to all my patients as the first step in smoking cessation," says Dr. Marika Cherfas, MD of Internal Medicine and recipient of the AMA's Top Physician Award. You can actually see the proof since NicOut cigarette filters are clear. Did you know that the average smoker breathes in a quart of tar and nicotine every year? You'll see 90% of that trapped in Nic Out. Nic Out costs only pennies a day - cheap for a real solution that really helps you stop smoking with real science. Each pack comes with 30 cigarette filters - that's enough NicOut for 150 regular or 300 light cigarettes! It actually reduces the nicotine and tar levels you inhale from an entire pack of cigarettes down to the equivalent of just 2 cigarettes. Breathe better, have the energy to play with your kids, be a good role model and live longer - starting today.
Use the links below to find the best deal on Nic-Out™