Relacore™ attacks the core issue of obese people-belly fat. There are two premises behind Relacore and its effectivity. First, it claims that a large cause of belly fat is stress, and that the stress hormone cortisol is the criminal behind belly fat. Second, it claims that by reducing cortisol, you reduce belly fat. Reviews of the products show that Relacor diet pills come in three types. First, Relacore Extra which contains Relacortin Plus, more potent and designed to minimize stress and reduce the cortisol hormone. You take 2 tablets daily. Second is Relacore PM which also works to reduce cortisol but includes other ingredients to relieve anxiety and help the user to sleep more easily at night. Finally, there is the original Relacore that is non-sedating and a mild anti-anxiety mood enhancer. There are no side effects with Relacore, which is used by both men and women. Does Relacore work? Results will vary with metabolic and hormonal status, but in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise program, results have been evidenced within three weeks. Relacore can also be taken with other fat burners and prescription medications, but only with the doctor's approval. Otherwise, it is perfectly safe to use alone and does not contain any stimulants.
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