It looks like a cookie, and it tastes like a cookie, but it's not really a cookie. But what's important is with the
Smart for Life® Cookie Diet you can lose up to 15 pounds a day.
Cookie diet reviews include a woman who lost 105 pounds in 12 months, and a man who said he lost 115 pounds in 6 months. Smart for Life Cookies were developed by doctors and they contain extracts from natural ingredients like fruit, vegetables and wheat. They are eaten in place of breakfast and lunch. You save as much as $1200 a year on food, too.
Smart for Life Cookies are actually made from eggs, wheat, milk and vegetables that are all mixed into a cookie so that you have a nutritious cookie. You can choose between Smart for Life cookies, muffins or squares but what is important is that you limit yourself to six cookies throughout the day. Then for dinner you have 6-10 oz of lean meat and steamed vegetables to total 800 calories every day.
One drawback cited by Dr. Carlos Levy, a weight loss specialist, is that you may get sick and tired of the diet. But the Smart for Life Cookie Diet has a maintenance plan with recipes so that afterwards you can maintain your ideal weight. Try
Smart for Life® Cookie Diet for Yourself with Your Choice of the
5-Week Plan or the
14-Day Variety Pack with
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