WalkFit® orthoitic from Phase Four Orthotics provides a solution to many problems in the feet and body, such as bunions, hammer toes, shin splints, night cramps, lower back pain, aching knees, and hip misalignment. The Walk Fit orthotic puts your foot back in proper alignment and when your foot is in alignment, your whole body will be in alignment, providing proper support for your entire frame and relief from many type of pain and problems. WalkFit is the new model of orthodic from Phase 4 Othodics. Each Walk Fit insole comes with 3 soft custom arch inserts for high arches, medium arches, and low arches. WalkFit insols come in many sizes for men and women and fit almost any kind of shoe. The WalkFit insole and incerts from Phase4 Orthotics is much cheaper in price than most of the orthotic insoles you will see in retail stores and from medical supply companies. You've seen the tests run on WakFit on the TV commercial/infomercial (bulldozer, golf ball) with podiatrist and foot surgeon Dr. Allen Selner and hosts Stuart Patkin and Mimi Umidon. The WalkFit insol offers a "Bio-lock heel cup" to prevent the heel from rolling and "Metatarsal and Sagittal support" to distribute weight evenly across the foot for better balance. As seen on and, WalkFit orthotics absorb shock and move your ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones into supportive positions. So is WalkFit a scam or does WalkFit really work? Review this opinion and commentary from letter carrier Lynette Mazyck of Schertz, Texas: "Approximately 2 years ago I started to have ankle and foot pain really bad, to the point where I had to start seeing different foot doctors. One day I saw the infomercial and that's made all the difference...Whatever problem the doctors couldn't find, Phase 4 Orthotics fixed it." Try the
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